Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's raining resignations in India.

Opposition dies asking resignation, still our politicians remain glued to their five legged chairs. There was a time when politicians too had conscience; they say that Lal Bahadur Shashtri resigned because a train accident in his time. Well those were the old golden days. Politicians we kids then. As the time passed they learned politics and stopped resigning. Now even if opposition dies demanding resignation, no one listens to them. Why should they even listen to opposition? If tomato prices soar, they ask for resignation. If it rains badly, they ask for resignation. I am too thankful to the glue with which politician keep them afixed, otherwise we will keep voting every other day.

But suddenly it is raining resignations here. Perhaps all of them have been told the gist of 'Atlas Shrugged' (I am sure they cannot read and understand such a great novel), that if the movers of the earth shrug off, the world will stop. Delusioned like us who vote and elect them, the politcians assumed that they run the things.

DMKians are resigning due to attacks on Tamilians in Shri Lanka. Lallus and Paswans are resigning due to attrocities against north indians.

At least I am happy for such outpourings. Contrary to the theory in Atlas Shrugged, if such people, who assume they run the thing when they spoil in reality, quit, India will paved ahead on road of comity and progress.

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