Monday, December 1, 2008

Hopeless politicos

When the toothless politicians inexorably act to make the nation soft (and porous) to swallow it easily, the nation bleeds. In the current spate of terror attacks on the sovereignty of India, politicos have played blame the opposition game profusely. While the NSG operation was in progress, Mr L.K. Adwani couldn’t stop himself from bashing on opposition and called it a system failure. At the same time Mr Modi spoke utter non-sense and announced some packages for martyrs, which fortunately was thrown back at his face by the proud families. BJP leaders firstly failed to understand the gravity of the situation and could not help themselves from showing their animal upbringing by speaking rubbish. Secondly, they forgot, thanks to their volatile memory, that there were much severe attacks on India during BJP rule, namely - Parliament attack, Kargil war, Attack on Akshardham temple and some here and there bomb blasts. They also forgot that BJP is the sole responsible party who sought vote in the name of 'Ram Mandir' and spread the contagion of riots in the entire world. Further what Mr L. K. Adwani, and surprisingly our news hungry media, has also forgotten that he was in the first few to have been booked under Hawala. On what merits did he qualify for the prime ministerial candidature is beyond my ken. MNS, the great Marathi savior party, too was not away from playing politics. They spread the SMS, apart from the ritual posters all politicos pasted all over Mumbai, that Marathi officers gave their lives fighting terrorists. What they must understand that not all the naval commandos and not all the NSG commandos were Marathi. In such a serious state, Shiv Sena cheif says that he will not allow Pakistan team to play in Maharashtra; when will he (they) learn that it is about country, not about a particular state. Those who support either Shiv Sena or MNS must reevaluate first on the basis of their silence and then on their funny remarks. Does Mumbai really need a leader who didn't dare to address the state? Does Mumbai really need a leader who deserted them when they needed him the most? Does Mumbai need a leader who did not come forward to console and encourage his citizen? At least in such a situation, when the whole country stood united, MNS, Shiv Sena, BJP and Congress should have stayed in their lairs.

In a country, where blood comes cheap, where neighbors uncork champagne when we perish, where media is continuously showing the story of horror and using martyrs as their advertisement bait (being really insensitive to their families), where common men have realized a new pastime of bashing on politicians, where the politicos don't do anything but condemn the attacks, where so called public servants started cashing on the opportunity even before the trauma was over, where a chief minister of a state says, "the terrorists planned 5000 killings but we made them succumbed to kill only 200" and "we had some information but not the specific ones" (the most absurd statement I have ever heard, as if terrorists are obligated to inform everything before arriving), where a home minister of a state writes his own political obituary by saying, "such small accidents do happen", and where the other CM says, "not even a dog will visit Sandeep Unnikrishanan's house", and where they still roam with tight security (I really mourn on parliament attack failure), while common man is fighting for survival, I feel not to waste my precious moments thinking and writing about politic mistakes of our citizen anymore.

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