Monday, December 22, 2008

What gleamed and what went unnoticed!

That India is looking forward to become a world power someday demands proper attention to the events that went unnoticed. Consequences otherwise will be perilous.

In the wake of Mumbai terrorist attacks, there rose many arm chair warriors and coffee table strategists, who blather on their panacea for terrorism. It is quite akin to what happened when financial crisis took precedence over other important everyday affairs. Bed room economists tried to explain what happened and babies were born with a oven ready finance model to save to world. The contagion didn't stay with gullible people; columnists and professors of high esteem too were caught writing reams of rubbish. In the meanwhile, the world witnessed a rare moment of unity among enemical politicians and mass - uninfluenced by communal disparity. Everybody stood in cohesion and chanted India! No hidden desire, no vested interests and no communalism; ostensibly! But animal instincts of territorial fascination usually circumvent rational thinking. Media went bonkers both the the sides and presented altogether different explanations of one reality.

As the unity continued, initially by daily protest all over India then by weekly protests and in the end by SMS / e-mail campaigns, few venomous RSS creatures came out from their sty and bawled over nuking Pakistan. Had they studied even in primary schools, they would have known the disaster Stone age nuclear bombs caused in Japan. But for the sake of speech, which is generally punctuated by bursts of laughter and invectives, they spoke. As the time passed, cracks on the surface of unity came visible. Antulay came from his lair and disseminated baseless doubts about martyrs' death. He immediately ate his words back but the leftover was masticated and then reflected on by Urdu press and Pakistan. Incumbent government stuck to their mandate and lay supine for the sake of minority votes. Had we had a prime minister with spine (read Indira Gandhi) instead of a reporter to her majesty, such people of hybrid breed would have been wrapped in a letter saying that you haven't seen the worst yet and deported to Somalia. Alas! We cannot expect everything. Our external affairs minister continued his ritual of 'between the meals' threats to Pakistan. Pakistan too parroted their ‘between the Namaz’ demand for valid 'proofs'. All in all, I really empathize with Mr Raj. His dream that people will write softwares in Marathi wiggled away from his eyes. However, he vented his anger on CDs of Ghulam Ali.

On the international front, British Prime Minister Mr George Brown gave lip support to India and few million pounds to Pakistan. Paradoxically, british traced all terror activities to Pakistan. The clear reason for such a support was not told but I would hazard a guess. LeT must be in dearth of grenades and guns after Mumbai mission! Russia, I don't know from where, too threw her two cents analysis that terrorists hailed from Pakistan. They did not speak after that. They are busy empowering Iran with their new missiles, and in turn irritating the US. China, who rejected Pakistan's begging bowl previously, extended her chord of military friendship and support, as expected. Innocent people straddled over both the sides of the border remained wonderstruck over the deals happening.

All the good thing happening, few events went unnoticed. Firstly, due to their subtleness they were not understood and secondly for being less competent. The worst always outsells the bad.

First event that was left unnoticed was the US's unconditional support to India. (The US and China both supported Pakistan in 1971. China is man enough to stay same). The US is ditching old girl friend 'Pakistan' in favor of the new 'India'. No wonder Man Mohan Singh told to Bush that India loves you. During 80's the US fed Pakistan dollars and arms to support religious army against Soviet Union. Once the mission was over, the US weaned off the Jihadi army, which eventually back fired. In the process of dismantling Soviet Union, the US created two recalcitrant monsters; first in the name of religious army and second a collusion of CIA, ISI and Don Dawood. It is alleged that Dawood helped US a lot by drug trafficking and money laundering during 80's. Pakistan used a part of funding for her Kashmir issue and germinated groups such as LeT, JeM etc. India asked for a few terrorists, including Dawood. US interrupted! India will never get Dawood; for he, if caught, may reveal what could be a nightmare for the US and Indian industrialists as well as politicians. Their secret money safe in secret swiss cache will be exposed. The US's support for India could be an Indication that US wants India to be her proxy against Afghanistan and perhaps against China, if she kept rising high.

The second event that received step child treatment was tight slaps on the face of Indian democracy. The first slap was reservation card played in the South by none other than our Bahen Ji. The logic elucidated was inclusion; wish someone could explain her that reservation unfortunately works the opposite way and eventually helps compartmentalize the society. Amartya Sen, a noble laureate that he is, sang his own song of reservations in IIT. I wish he understood the real need of IIT instead of parroting the rhetoric. On same lines IIMs were targeted for state control, similarity and various other suggestions of no value. Thankfully IIMs used their right to refuse the rubbish. While politicians used and abused the democracy by slapping on the 'left' cheek of India, private giants such as TATAs slapped the right one. Though the red fingers are not apparent, the impending danger cannot be ignored. Private elite class unfortunately talked about beefing up their private security and intelligence and everyone spoke in chorus; however, no one could guess the hidden cost. Ideologies are not developed in a day or two and once developed, they are the most difficult to be changed. Once such ideology in inception is lack of faith in government institutions, hence lack of faith in democracy. Efforts to raise private army, private security and private world will polarize the country. One side will be the middle class voting and bearing the brunt of the attacks and other-side will be upper class, secured and cocooned in their private villas, surrounded by private armies. This different sort of privatization will laugh its lungs out on Indian democracy.

Another event which could not compete against Antulay's remarks was an interview of Mr Jaswant Singh. Mr Jaswant Singh said that the act of releasing three dreaded terrorist was justfied and he would again do so if such accident occurs. Although it could have been a 'right' decision considering the plight of sobbing families, giving open invitation to terrorist that Mr. Jaswant Singh was ready to repeat Kandhar demands deliberation. Doesn't he belong to a party that celebrates its engineered 'POTA'? Would not those terrorist, then escorted by Mr. Singh, have designed many terror attacks in the country. Was the decision of saving 166 passenger on the cost of whole country not wrong? What ever the answers may be, Mr. Jaswant Singh's cordial statements for terrorist were definitive wrong.

That India is looking forward to become a world power someday demand proper attention to the events that went unnoticed. Consequences otherwise will be perilous.

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