Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The day whole India was earnestly waiting for the 60th anniversary commemorations of the republic day, which is known for auspicious institutionalization of our own constitution, somewhere in Mangalore a group of self proclaimed saviors of the religion, society and morality attacked on a pub and barked their sexist mentality out. They teased the same constitution we were waiting to celebrate for and rewrote their own disgraceful law book that legitimizes and emboldens such heinous crimes. Taliban are not confined to Swat valley or Northern part of the Pakistan. They are very much present in India too, albeit with the different name, color of worship and slogans. Their savagery in the name of lord Ram would have made Ram himself ashamed of his followers--not for the first time--who being blind folded due to their incompetency and impotency to do anything worthwhile, become stooges of their god fathers.

Why a culture needs goons to protect it? Why do we need retrogressive modality to save us from their called perdition? If the so called saviours of the Hinduism, who are completely oblivious to the true Indian culture known for its tolerance, define and impose morality on the gender basis, are they any different from terrorists who want to impose their whim on common helpless men? Despite public commotions, political protests--ostensible though--and so called non-bailable warrants perpetrators have been willfully committing despicable crimes in different forms such as attacks based on religious grounds on Christians , attacks based on language and territorial grounds on North Indians and attacks on women for someone's whimsical and quirked interpretation of morality.

Situation becomes complicated and alarming when people mould the conception of morality, religion and unsatiated ego according to their conveniences and mix it with vested interests of their accessories--Sangh Parivar. Sangh Parivar, working through its hydra headed branches has learnt its lesson from the Nazi experiment: gradually, spew communalism in the society, come in the power and continue their agenda of communal divide in the name of a community. Such apparent saviours of morality or society most often employ hooligans and rowdies and channelize them to create public unrest. Their idea is to have as much visibility as they can possibly get and then get job of their interest from those who want their services. This is exactly what hidden gunda organizations did previously. Now the organization part has been embellished with religious sentiments and power has been arranged through political impunity.

Wish along with millions of Gods and Goddesses we have had that Greek Goddess who could transform enemies to harmless animals. In my surreal fantasy I would have suggested that they be converted to pigs.

Since the rot of hooliganism has percolated from top to bottom, snuffing the rubbish out from the bottom is neither possible nor it will help ameliorate the condition. How I wondered that ours is a matured democracy that can peacefully vote their opinion through ballot rather than bullet and change the fate of the nation--as it did in 2004 when we voted out BJP. It appears hypocrisy now. Indian democracy has come to a phase where such squabbling anarchist groups are challenging law and order and are still untouched. Such self proclaimed heirs of the Hinduism are continuously leeching the still left humanity, tolerance and rationality and infusing the venom of division.

The only solution to such issues is public awakening! Time has again come to show the power of clenched fist instead of five different fingers. It was the clenched fist of civilians that pushed the English out from this country! It was the clenched fist of angry crowd and unarmed policeman that eventually captured one terrorist alive! Let's add gritting teeth to clenched fists before the pernicious trend of senas grapples with the law and order, which is now a mere impotent spectator, and marches with heaved pride towards talibanaziation of India.

1 comment:

Shardi said...

I was reading this article.. everything looked great when suddenly I came across 'five fingers'.. funny! it reminded me of "rubber"glove