Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Country ! My Country

We are living in an era where our ears are attuned to hearing the news about serial blasts and eyes accustomed to see vast devastation on television. Tele-programs (I no longer call them news channels) keep the issue sensational, as bad generally outsells good, and politicians keep blaming the other party without understanding the gravity of the situation. They must understand that such a luxury is indeed an instrument to be played only in better times. None of the Indian cities have been spared by fundamentalists, who eulogize their particular religion and ideology of particular community, and at the same time, due to their heinous acts, are totally against the very concept of community.

Right now, Mumbai, once called the safest city of India, whose (Mumbai's) police was once compared to Scotland Yard, is under siege. Such an unprecedented host of events in which terrorist open fired indiscriminately, but co-coordinately, and made various foreigners their hostages in various five start hotels, has left us with the question, 'Are we still waiting for a savior to incarnate?'. Our security, and hence future, has been compromised to such an extent that we are no more safe in our own house (as has happened tonight with those who thought to watch from the windows). Till now we have watched such acts, where terrorists take control of Hotels, and Hospitals or hijack police vehicles and run in the city firing almost everyone, only in movies. It is a reality currently manifesting itself in Mumbai. What I fail to understand is that a truck load of ammunition, AK 47s, automatic weapons, and grenades were pumped into the fortified city and police couldn't smell anything. That day is not far when terrorist will get hold of Nuclear weapons and may take whole country under hostage. This can easily be compared with the 93 serial blasts in Mumbai, and perhaps will eventually be claimed by the same perpetrators. On the television, on all news channels, I see the face of death, terror and a question that 'Will it ever end?' And again it is not just an attack; it is a tight slap on the face of lesson of secularism that India chose to teach to the world, when she suffered partition.

I really feel a pity on Indian common men, who vote and live under the false hope that any government can provide them safe life. I won't be surprised if tomorrow our politicians, who never leave an opportunity to entertain us with their funny acts and continuously prove their animal upbringing and instincts, start mudslinging at one another. UPA (Sonia) will lose sleep even if one from the minority (their vote bank) dies and Advani will call it an act of cowardice, and eventually no one would do anything. Our home minister might sound a bit upset, for he would have been woken up from his deep slumber by the news hungry media. I wish someday, some amount of destruction will wake their sleeping conscience up and make them apprise of the compromised state of our country. For now it is imperative for us not to participate in electoral process and demand president rule for next 5 years.

I, currently watching the Mumbai situation on-line on CNN news, with the eyes moistened for the martyr ATS chief Hemant Karkare, feel that someday it will be I who will add up the death toll, felling a prey to one of such attacks.

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