Saturday, November 29, 2008

India needs reforms

Price of subverted politics, corruption from bottom to top and compromised state of law and order cannot be paid in currencies (not even in $). It has to be paid by terrorism, unemployment and hatred among each other who once lived in comity. Any cosmetic step such as the peace talk with neighbours or charity allowance to those who suffered will not undo the hatred, and any change in the governance will not change the compromised situation of the state.

In the politics shitland we have experimented with many governments, incompetent to the core, with the sterile creativity and stagnant thought process. They have only infused venom to the already created fissures between the various communities in India Inc. The decision makers sitting on the top must understand that interests of the state come first, then comes the interests of citizens and in the last it is themselves they should think of. But in India Inc. the order is, unfortunately, reversed. The need of hour is reform in the political system, and introduction of capitalist touch in politics. And must be well imbibed that reform is not something that accrues in small changes. It demands a complete redesign.

Firstly we need a change from parliamentary system (a gift from them who ruled us) to president rule for 5 years. Strict law and order is needed to bring the morale of those down who are flourishing under the impunity of minority appeasing policies and champions of human rights. That they care about human rights is understandable, but what is not understandtable is the plea for human rights for whom, who at the first place cannot be categorised as humans. Since anything that stays permanent is prone to be corrupted, president rule cannot be used for more than 5 years. Further all the politicians who have even a single case filed on them must be thrown out of the system. This will give enough chances for young and new leaders to come in front, and think competition, should they want to take the power.

Secondly, police and their recruitment process must be made independent of government. Proper corporate culture, like there is in each private institution that supports competition, must be the only way to go ahead with. This way we will be able to purge the officers who have been playing stooges of politicians. Strict laws such as POTA must be enacted and it should be told to police that they too are subjected to the same laws. This will alleviate the fear of the misuse of such laws.

Thirdly, any terrorist should not be negotiated or talked with. They should be exterminated. For them let there be the law suggested by their religion, eye for an eye. Such a law will surely make them think twice before taking any step forward. It has worked in Punjab, it is working in Sri Lanka and it will work for whole India too. Lessons of good conduct are not for the extremist. Brazen steps for brazen motives.

Fourthly, reservation harbours the gaps in the society, hence must be repealed. Media must be taken hostage and should be allowed to spread only what is in the benefit of the state. Sneaking truth out is not always correct. Learn from China. Instead of reservations, education till 12th could be made free /subsdized for those, who have enjoyed reservations till now. Reservations and any such policies of marginalisation should be rescinded.

Fifth, like Israel, India must make army service mandatory for every citizen for 3-4 years. Such a rule will work as a backup for our army, make our civilians well equipped against terror shit heads and will instil the patriotism in every one of us. Certainly we need to have more army for our porous borders. China, Pakistan and Bangladesh are inching days by day towards us.

In sum, the truth is that there is no ideal system to stick with forever. Initially we need a revolution and then a will to keep the rotation on to boost the confidence of the common men and keep the economy running.

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