Friday, December 5, 2008

Any silver lining?

Pakistan, ruled by the trio 'Army Government', 'Terrorist Government' and the effeminate 'Civilian Government' led by castrated politicians, banned organizations such as LeT and JeM in 2006 when kicked by the US but let their (LeT's, JeM's) political outfit untouched, arrested many terrorists and again released them to flourish in PoK and who knows where else, provided them patronage through ISI and fed them Saudi petro-dollars, said that Pakistan government was not involved in the Mumbai massacre and upon being whipped by the US suddenly arrested many terrorists whereabouts of whom were not known to Pakistan intelligence (while the rest of the world knew) , and the world believed them!!! The only thing that is reflected through such incidents is the relationship between the US and Pakistan. Pakistan appears to be US's keep; the US cuddles and slaps her(Pakistan) at her (US's) will.

Pakistan, a failed state infested by fundamentalism, has been screwed by its military rule. Her atrocities, treason (Bangladesh, Kargil...) and habit of backstabbing are well indexed in the history. On the same lines Pakistan's true nature, driven by her constant desire to dismantle India and support Jihadi terrorism, doesn't need an introduction. But now their very existence is at stake; the Frankenstein monster of terrorism has shown its true nature and has already started up eating its originator.

In the wake of Mumbai carnage, Pakistan has been exposed badly. In the cosmetic step of cooperation Pakistan is crying over her demand of solid proofs irrespective of so many tangible proofs provided from all the world over. Pakistan, dead in her conscience, will never understand or believe any proof for she does not want to. Here is one more proof recorded, published and circulated ages ago.

In an interview to "The Nation" (April 9, 1999) from Muzaffarabad, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, who was described as the Amir of the Lashkar-e-Toiba, said: "We are extending our network in India and carried out attacks on Indian installations successfully in Himachal Pradesh last year. To set up Mujahideen networks across India is our target. We are preparing the Muslims of India against India and when they are ready, it will be the start of the disintegration of India." Addressing a press conference at Muzaffarabad on March 2, 1999, Zafar Iqbal, the co-founder of the LET, said that the LET had invited Osama bin Laden to join the "freedom struggle" in Kashmir. He said that his organisation would welcome bin Laden if he joined its struggle against the Indian army in Kashmir. He added: "Osama is our erstwhile colleague and we had fought jointly against the Soviet troops in Afghanistan."
Excerpted from

The above written text has been printed as it is in the works of many editors and authors. I fail to understand that with such a tangible proof, on what grounds Pakistan demands another and why India should even think of providing them any. The very archive of 'The Nation' will be a proof of the heinous crimes of the sordid rulers of a failed state. The token step taken to arrest certain terrorists to make up for the failure in the rapprochement process -- so that they can continue exporting terrorists in India -- will not help much and should not be entertained at all for four reasons. First, they will not interrogate their 'own' people and at the same time they are not ready to hand them to India. Second, their arrest will actually protect them from any military action India takes in PoK. Third, the metastatic growth of terrorism in Pakistan, India and in rest of the world cannot be arrested by token arrests. The only solution in such cases is 'amputation'. Fourth, everyone knows Pakistan will release them as soon as we are busy in other problems. It is evident from the fact that Pakistan, true to its habits, turned from its words to send ISI chief to India.

Pakistan (and her government too) has been divided in two basic factions. One part has understood that such a continuous struggle has gifted Pakistan poverty, infamy and a status of terrorist country. The other part, thoroughly corrupted in their religious fundamentalism, wants to establish Islamic rule in South East through global Jihad. Both the divisions are driven by a relentless jealousy, while one wants to match it through the peace process and the other wants to bring India down to its level by dismantling her (India), thus matching the level. The second part has infested the whole world with its Jihadis to achieve its goals. In his book "Cold Terror: How Canada Nurtures and Exports Terrorism ", Stewart Bell has elaborated that Jihadi army is being funded and flourished in UK, US, Australia and Canada too. In a worth reading work of fiction "The Religion war", author Scott Adams talks about what may transpire in 2050. Every single word in that work of fiction appears a prophecy, given today's conditions. The only way to make the prophecy wrong is to eliminate the fundamentalists and their fund raisers.

Given the present situation, the horrid Islamic support to terrorists, amputation as the only solution (though impossible) and our country infested with Jaichands who time to time keep helping Mahmuds of Ghoris against Prithvirajs, I see no silver lining in the dark future of India.

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