Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Problem of ill-literates

We have had enough on illiteracy. Enough media reporting, enough political manifestos and enough citizen complaints. Although the problem still persists - for it was never tried to be solved; it was only talked about - the bigger threat to the society is "Ill-literacy".

First and the foremost, the Indian businessmen (to be fair, business men of any country), who lobby together, force the government and have the rules changed. The only thing faulty capitalist thought process can guarantee is profit making on the cost of equitable treatment to all. (Capitalism is actually about innovation and production) If one has to continue flourishing, one has to make sure that those who are around are addressed equitably. Unfortunately the concept of social entrepreneurship and inclusion is completely missing.

Second place goes to media. They, supposedly one of the most educated and learned clan of any country, continuously sensitize and package the news. 27X7 news channels, show a movie filled by their useless commentary in between. Otherwise, how can news such as 'Sonu falls in a bore-well' or 'a film actor caught cold in summers' can be displayed as 'Breaking News'. Irresponsible journalism has become the staple for such news channels, hardly anywhere close to quality. The other point on which media digresses from the responsible journalism is spreading a nationalistic message. In the pretext of nationalism, media fells prey to such traps and defaults to omitting the news, distorting the news and then eventually obscuring the news. They start supporting jingoism, whose consequences are not unknown to any. Always busy in spreading the message that people want to listen or watch, media has entrapped their audiences ad nauseam.

The third place goes to our teachers, especially in government college. Teachers have continuously been faking imparting eduction in schools, at the same time they dedicate their lives to after noon, away from school, classes. The other crisis generally takes place when a particular sect of students is ostracized and discriminated by teachers for their religion. Such acts at the formative years of a person leave indelible impressions on their minds. When a child's mind, free of any prejudices, is corrupted at such a basic level, the state walks on crutches.

Fourth place is attributed to newly formed believers of some distorted views of a particular religion, who unfortunately believe that killing innocents is an act well admired on the judgement day. Once known truism that those who are deprived of social welfare and basic amenities finally resort to committing henious crimes against society, partly for revenge and partly to do something as they really have nothing to do, is no more than a myth. It is no more about living condition or better lives; the contagion in the form of religious fundamentalism has spread to gullible clan, consisting well educated (ill-literates) engineers capable enough to hack into secured networks, to such an extent that curing this cancer no more possible.

For our toothless politicians (surely you were willing to see them on the top. Delhi's 40% MLAs are not even graduates {times of india-10 Dec-2008}) I could not find any place because most of them are not literate enough even to get a lowest paying job in normal conditions.

Someone said, "half knowledge is dangerous"; I would just add, "Even full knowledge without a sense of responsibility is deleterious".

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