Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Global Warming: Another perspective

The successful and the rich said to the poor and the disadvantaged people or to perhaps those who are unwilling to produce and hence lazy, "You don't run the things here, we do!".

Notwithstanding the threat of an impending disaster widens the realms of other perspective.
The disadvantaged did not make the earth hollow, did not waste the natural beauty, and did make the earth a dump yard of waste. They also did not use any vehicle (or fewer vehicles) and in turn contributed insignificantly to raise the amount of fatal gases and suspensions in the atmosphere shared by all. The poisonous gas in turn translates to the global waring, the extinction of a species, the melting of glaciers and the fear of darkness to rule eventually. The fear of cataclysm (and perhaps the cataclysm when it showers its poison on us) is equally shared by all, while the fortune earned and the utility enjoyed by the advantaged class is meager. Had the deprived class got the chance to enjoy such amenities, we all would have died till now.

So for the sake of equality, and for the sake of our gratitude toward the have-nots, I propose another tax, named 'survival tax', which shall be proportional to the amount of poisoned emission and shall be paid by affluent to the disadvantaged class, for the affluent are being parasite and enjoying life on the cost of the poor's joblessness and lassitude.

1 comment:

Shardi said...

I support "survival tax" or any other tax you propose to levy on affluents. Just that I am not comfortable with the words - equality, gratitude towards have-nots, etc. These words are merely spoken by affluents and they will not act on such things unless it increases their assets.